01 PM | 23 jun


24 – 25 August BJJNinja`s Trainingweekend / Gi & No-Gi

“Josh Moody, Fran vanderStukken, Arnoud Terpstra”


Our next BJJNinja`s event will be on august 24 & 25 at Dijkmansport. We have some great instructors who will be teaching again this weekend.

200m2 of great open mat space in a beautiful dojo

200m2 of great open mat space in a beautiful dojo

This weekend we have some great sessions again on both days. Six sessions divided over both days. Three Gi sessions on saturday and three No-Gi sessions on sunday. One of the sessions on sunday will cover 101 basic wrestling take downs and defence for competition.

We have the entire dojo of 200m2 to our selves for the entire weekend. So you have all the space to train and roll with eachother.

Location: Dijkmansport Melisseweg 83, 9731 BM Groningen


Josh Moody (USA)

will be the main instructor for this camp, and will teach 3 sessions of 90 minutes. A Gi-Session, Wrestling 101 for competition on Sunday, and a No-Gi session also on sunday.

Josh is a pro MMA competitor and BJJ Blackbelt from the United States. He has a very mellow and nice way of teaching, and has a ton of knowledge on BJJ, Grappling and also decent knowledge on wrestling which he practiced in his early teens. Josh also did some thaiboxing.

Fran Vanderstukken ▶2 x JJIF World champion  ▶2 x IBJJF Vice-European champion ▶4 x NAGA European champion ▶Booster Fightgear ▪ Ataste ▪ Yoga for BJJ ▶Amazone BJJ

Fran van der Stukken (Brasa Belgium)

She has over 10 years of judo experience, national and international victories, 3th degree black belt, Started MMA in 2009 and practiced BJJ in function of MMA for the first couple of years, MMA record: 7 – 1 – 0 (3 amateur fights, 5 professional ones) Around 2 years ago the decision was made to focus mainly on BJJ.

Fran will teach a 75 minute Gi session on saturday and a 75 minute No-Gi session on sunday.

Main Achievements

  • Vice European IBJJF gi champion (brown belt, lightweight)
  • 2016 3th place European ADCC Championship
  • 2016 World Champion ne waza jiujitsu (-62) – 2016- 2017
  • Vice European IBJJF no gi champion (brown belt, open weight)
  • 2017NAGA UK and German champion gi and no gi (elite division)
  • 2017National Pro UAEJJF Champion in Brown Belt featherweight
  • 2018 Nation AGF Belgium Championship Gent GOLD 2018 (source  Atastebjj)

Arnoud  Terpstra

Arnoud is head coach at GFA and has received his brown belt in 2016. He’s been active as a coach for many years now at different locations in Groningen, Drachten and Leeuwarden and eventually started his own team in 2014. Since then, his focus is on teaching and training in Leeuwarde0 received his brown belt in 2016. He’s been active as a coach for many years now at different locations in Groningen, Drachten and Leeuwarden and eventually started his own team in 2014. Since then, his focus is on teaching and training in Leeuwarden.

Will teach a 75 minute No-Gi Session on sunday in which he will share his favorite techniques during competiton.

Whats included ?

  • Top training accommodation with 200m2 mat space in a top quality Dojo and training facility with an open venue and atmosphere. 
  • 4 Hours of openmat time every day for rolling and sparring.
  • Healthy Lunch on both saturday and sunday.
  • 6 seminar sessions (3 gi & 3 No-Gi)
  • Gi and No-Gi sessions
  • Great Rolls, with an open and friendly atmosphere.
  • No politics, love for the Gentle art and make new friends.


€65 early bird till July 3rd

If you have any questions, you can e-mail us at info@bjjninjas.nl

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